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Katherine Giuffre

Kathy Giuffre is a sociologist who specializes in the social network analysis, particularly in the art world. Her most recent publications are: "The Drunken Spelunker's Guide to Plato" (Blair 2015), "Communities and Social Networks: Using Social Network Analysis to Re-think Urban and Community Studies" (Polity 2012), "Collective Creativity: Art and Society in the South Pacific" (Ashgate Press 2009), "An Afternoon in Summer: My Year in the South Seas" (Awa Press 2010), "Cultural Production in Networks" in the International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences (2015), "The Return of the Natives: Globalization and Negative Ties" in Poetics (2010), and "Half the Right People: Network Density and Creativity" in Culture Unbound (2011). She is currently working on a new book project, tentatively titled "Outrage: Social Transgression and the Reception of Genius."

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