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Claire Oberon Garcia

Claire was lead editor of the collection, “From ‘Uncle Tom’s Cabin’ to ‘The Help:’ Critical Perspectives on White-Authored Narratives of Black Life.” She is continuing her work on race, modernism, gender, citizenship, and the Black Atlantic. Her essay, “No one, I’m sure, is ever homesick in Paris: Jessie Fauset’s French Imaginary” was published in “Paris, Capital of the Black Atlantic” (Jeremy Braddock and Jonathan Eburne, editors, Johns Hopkins, 2013). Her article, “‘On Being Young— A Woman — and Coloured’ in Paris and Tangiers: A Geocritical Approach to Mapping Anita Thompson Dickinson Reynolds’ Modernism” was published in Palimpsest: A Journal on Women, Gender, and the Black International. Her article, “Black Women Writers, Modernism, and Paris,” was published in a special edition of The International Journal of Francophone Studies. Her newest publication is a chapter on the Nardal sisters in “Black French Women and the Struggle for Equality 1848-2016” (Félix Germaine and Silyane Larcher, editors). Last year, she was invited to present her paper “Encounter on the Seine: Black Meets Black Paris 2018” at the Black Paris Seminar at the American Comparative Literature Association conference. She has presented papers at the Collegium for African American research in Liverpool and Paris and the Afro-Modernisms 1 and 2 Conferences. Her recent presentations focus on both anglophone and francophone feminist writers such as the Nardal sisters of Martinique, Harlem Renaissance luminary Jessie Fauset, and the adventurer Anita Thompson Dickinson Reynolds. She continues work on her book project, “Beyond Baker and Bricktop: Black Women Writers in Paris 1900-1960.” Her research has taken her to archives and libraries in Aix-en-Provence, Paris, Washington, D.C., Martinique, New Haven, London, and New York. Thanks to generous grants from Feminist and Gender Studies and the English Department, Claire finished up her research in Martinique in May. Claire hasn’t completely abandoned her identity as a scholar of Henry James. She contributed a chapter called, “Citizens of Babylon: Henry James’s Modern Parisian Women” to the volume “Henry James’s Europe: Heritage and Transfers” (Open University Press 2011). Claire has also become interested in more contemporary issues of class, race, and gender. A conference paper, “Black Bourgeois Women’s Narratives in the Post-Reagan, ‘Post-Civil Rights’, ‘Post-Feminist’ Era” is now a chapter in “From Bourgeois to Boojie: Black Middle-Class Performances” (Wayne State University Press 2010). Claire continues to assemble an anthology of Jessie Fauset’s work with Fauset scholar Carolyn Wedin. She does a lot of presentations on her research at other colleges and universities in the area, and has done several keynote speeches around the state on issues relating to education, race, gender, ethnic studies, and citizenship.

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