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Colorado College Scholarship Search Database

Genevieve Love

Genevieve’s current book project investigates the labor of physically disabled characters in early modern English theatre. “Early Modern Theatre and the Figure of Disability” shows that early modern theatrical representation relied on representations of physical disability to navigate the “likeness problems” of theatre. The first of these likeness problems is the relationship between actor and character: prosthetic disabled figures with names like Cripple and Stump capture the simultaneous presence of the imaginative world of the fiction and the material, embodied world of the theatre. The second likeness problem mediated by the bodies of early modern disabled characters is the relationship between plays in their theatrical and in their textual forms. This relationship, beginning in the period itself, has been understood in part through an appeal to disability: supposedly imperfect textual versions of plays are characterized as “lame.” Attention to physical disability enriches our understanding of early modern ideas about how theatre works; as well, theatre’s distinctiveness as a medium offers a reframing of disability as metaphor.

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